Color Lifts the Human Spirit
Connect with me to schedule a consult to create your unique beautiful color palette in the Phoenix or Tucson areas.
Color affects our emotions and how we relate to one another and care for ourselves.
I’d love to help you discover your unique color palette that harmonizes with your own natural beauty. Let’s update the color me beautiful fad to “color me ventral.” You are a natural blending of seasons. I’ll discover your ventral, regulating color palette that transcends just one season.
When you have your personal color fan, you’re able to buy clothes you’ll wear and feel great in, decorate your home with colors you love, and bring into your classroom colors that regulate and uplift you.
Knowing my personal color palette is one of the most ventral, regulating resources I use to feel great for interviews, keynotes, and trainings. It also saves money when buying clothes and decorating my home. Everything in my closet and home harmonize well together.
Use your color palette to create spaces you love, including your classroom or clinic. This is my writing room, a favorite room in my house that highlights my inspiring palette colors and makes me feel regulated and happy every time I walk into the room. Yes, I do home color consults, too!
Bring out your personal essence.
Member Color Designers International
Give someone you love a great holiday gift that will transform their life and shopping experience.
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A Caygill palette is bespoke with unique fan sticks that are aligned with your authentic, natural coloring. There is no online, social media process that uses our proprietry method for designing your personalized, beautiful palette.
About Your Color Design Process
What method do you use for the color consult process?
I’m trained in the Caygill Method. It’s a bespoke process using the Color Quick Tool that hones in accurately and efficiently to your base seasonal fan. From there, we work together to determine the beautifully hand-crafted fabric fan sticks that bring out your true essence. No draping or putting your face in a multicolored oval. We don’t use the commonly used online 12 or 16 seasonal palettes as our system is more personalized.
How is the Caygill Method different than other systems?
In the Caygill Method, each seasonal range of color fans are tinted with white (Spring), gray (Summer), brown (Autumn), or black (Winter). The colors are elegant and harmonious. Other systems use colors that are too saturated or rarely worn by people. Clients are handed a printed color chart or printed cards that have too many colors and many don’t work with people’s individual coloring. These systems fit you into a seasonal box. The Caygill Method creates a bespoke fabric fan that works for your unique color preferences, personality, contrast level, and natural coloring. It’s an art and a science to discover your best colors, metals, and prints. This can’t be predetermined by a color system that is based on inflexible, narrowly defined seasons. Warning! Chat gbt may not give you accurate results. When put to the test, people who received their individualized palettes compared them with Chat gbt and the results didn’t align (per YouTube videos sharing their results).
What are the benefits of having a personally designed color palette?
When you use your color fan to purchase clothing, all the clothes in your closet go together harmoniously, making for unlimited combinations that look great on you! No more purchased items that still have tags on them because they just don’t work for you or go with anything in your closet. Getting your palette done will save you money, time, and energy when it comes to shopping! You can also use your fan to help you choose colors for home design so you look beautiful in your home.
What can I expect from my appointment?
When you come for your two-hour appointment, I ask you to bring clothes from your closet that you love and items that don’t quite work, but you’re not sure why. Choose from a variety of solids to prints. You can wear light make-up if you prefer. For some people, going out in public with no make-up is uncomfortable. I like to see you how you naturally like to present yourself to the world. I may cover your hair if it’s dyed a color completely outside your natural color range, but if you love yourself in that color, we’ll design the palette to include the hair color and make-up you feel best in.
What is the cost?
The cost is $245 for the consult and $150 for the color fan with 17 sticks, including your best colors, metals, and patterns ($395 total). Most Caygill color consultants charge $550 up to $3500 in Los Angeles! I choose to make color consulting more accessible to more people. You may also choose to pay $10/stick as a budget friendly option.
How do I schedule an appointment?
I’m available most weekends. Midday is usually the best time in terms of lighting. Complete the form above to connect with me. I’ll be in touch as soon as I receive your form.
I love creating beautiful palettes for people.
It’s very rewarding and brings me joy. I hope we can work together!